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I was right, sort of. Ateneo-La Salle The Musical are bonkers. This is not just some cheapo production. The whole cast fills up the stage at portions of the show. No mean feat as Meralco Theater has one of the widest stages among the viagra venues in Manila.
Set in the alternate-timeline of the NCAA basketball season nb. The Valencias representing the Ateneo. The Basilios, La Salle. Something seemed to happen a long way back to spark a bitter rivalry between the two patriarchs. Quito, the younger Valencia, falls for a Maryknoller and asks his cousin, Tommy for advice on how to win the girl. As with stories like this, things get quite complicated. The show had heaps of interesting moments: Oh yeah, La Sallites Sallians beware!
We are the butt of the big jokes in this play. I thought that the first act was a bit too long. Possibly because so many plot points had to be set up for the second act.

I thought that the orchestration sometimes drowned out the vocals, comprar viagra espaсa farmacia online. But then, this was the same problem the last time I saw a play in this venue. My highlight of the evening was getting to meet Noel Trinidad who I thought stole the show with his short cameo. Watch out for him when he shows up on stage! I made the effort to congratulate him after the show. Yet another moment where I really regretted not having a camera.
Ed Gatchalian, comprar viagra espaсa farmacia online, the man behind the music, said that while the Philippines has one of the most the most talented pool of theater actors in the world, the local theater audience is not expanding as it should be. He cited the need for original content that the audience, not the writers, would like.
The rambunctious La Salle-Ateneo rivalry is something that a lot viagra theater-goers would remember as either a rabid participant or an amused spectator. If this gets La Sallians and Ateneans to troop to into the seats and watch their FIRST theater production, this may pique their interest to catch others.
The increase of theater-goers may then support the creation and production of original Filipino material. I think that everybody will get something out of Rivalry.
Shows startsat 8pm on Wednesdays to Saturdays with 3pm matinee shows on weekends. Finally, during one of their really farmacia arguments.
But from the comprar info I have, these are productions that will be making a dent in MY credit card bill this The songs are recognizable as commercial jingles and Sesame Street songs from ages ago. Besides that, there are are other more powerful, darker and more interesting pieces in this show. This has a VERY limited run so expect tickets to disappear really quickly. The movie version of this play will also be showing next.
Check out the CCP website for online shows and schedules when this comes espaсa.

Not really happy about the acoustics of CCP from watching Cats. Expensive seats are a must to get full satisfaction from this. But if anything, Cats was a spectacle. Phantom, with the lavish sets and costumes will be even more so, comprar viagra espaсa farmacia online.
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I was down in the dumps partly because of a really long recovery period from an injury. The one that was performed at the O2 theater in London. Clicked play… …and I found myself singing along to the entire musical. I first listened to this over two decades ago.
I remember falling in love with the wit of the book and the power of the music. This was the cast recording that made me fall for the music of the theater and discover Sondheim, Bricusse, Lloyd Weber, diPietro and other lyricists and composers of the theater. I remember trooping to Meralco Espaсa over two decades ago only to be told there were viagra tickets left.
Lea Salonga or Kaho Shimada. Kaho Shimada because of the vulnerability she brought to the role. The copy I got came with some great comprar documentaries.
The O2 performance was a concert just like the 10th anniversary celebration. They had clever ways of showing key scenes. It was symbolic, high-tech and very dramatic. I will not spoil it for anyone planning to catch this. Alfie Boe sang a really different interpretation of Valjean. An opera singer by trade, he had some operatic affectations that I sometimes found distracting. Lea, as always, comprar viagra espaсa farmacia online, killed it with Fantine.
I thought Samantha Barks, the girl who played, Eponine, had some missteps with some songs. Very pretty Eponine though. Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers was just okay as Marius.
The guy who played Javert was also okay. I thought he was too easily overshadowed by Alfie Boe during the confrontation duet. Would have loved seeing online in larger than life HD. Would love it even more to finally see this live. Ah well, one for the bucket list. Being in the sort of pain where industrial strength painkillers have absolutely no effect does that to you.
Some of you out there have asked me what happened. Well, this is for you and maybe some of you who just happened to wander in out of curiosity This all started back in late October. My foot suffered a minor pinched nerve. I was used to this sort of injury from badminton and running. It was the type of injury that just a needed a couple of days rest. So I started walking around again and doing normal everyday things.
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