Cordarone 400mg - Dosing & Uses
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Medical uses[ edit ] Amiodarone cordarone been used both in the treatment of acute life-threatening arrhythmias as well as the chronic 400mg of arrhythmias.

It is used both in 400mg arrhythmias and cordarone arrhythmias. Cardiac arrest[ edit ] Defibrillation is the treatment of choice for ventricular fibrillation VF and ventricular tachycardia resulting in cardiac arrest. However, amiodarone has been used in shock-refractory VF. The guidelines of the American Heart Association included amiodarone as a second line agent after epinephrine or vasopressin.
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Individuals with hemodynamically unstable ventricular tachycardia should not initially receive amiodarone. These individuals should be cardioverted. Amiodarone can be used in individuals with hemodynamically stable ventricular tachycardia.
Cordarone these cases, amiodarone can be used regardless of the individual's underlying heart function and the type of ventricular tachycardia; it can 400mg used in individuals with monomorphic ventricular tachycardiacordarone 400mg, but is contraindicated in individuals with polymorphic ventricular tachycardia as it is associated with a prolonged QT interval which will be made worse with anti-arrhythmic drugs.
In the ARCH trial, intravenous amiodarone 2 g administered over 2 d has been shown to reduce the incidence of atrial fibrillation after open heart surgery when compared to 400mg. While amiodarone is not approved for AF by the FDA, it is a commonly prescribed off-label treatment due to the lack of equally effective treatment alternatives.
So-called 'acute onset atrial fibrillation', defined by the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology NASPE incordarone 400mg, responds well to short cordarone treatment with amiodarone.
This has been demonstrated in seventeen randomized controlled trials, of which five included a placebo arm.
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The incidence of severe side effects in this group is low. The benefit of amiodarone in the treatment of atrial fibrillation in the critical care population has cordarone to be determined 400mg it may prove to be the agent of choice where the patient is hemodynamically unstable and unsuitable for DC cardioversion. Contraindications[ edit ] Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant are strongly advised to not take amiodarone. Since amiodarone can be expressed in breast milk, women taking amiodarone are advised to stop nursing.
It is contraindicated in individuals with sinus nodal 400mgcordarone block, and second or third degree heart block who do not have an artificial pacemaker. Individuals with baseline depressed lung function should be monitored closely if amiodarone therapy is to be initiated.
Formulations of amiodarone that contain benzyl alcohol should not be given to neonates, because the benzyl alcohol may cause the potentially 400mg "gasping syndrome". Side effects[ edit ] Amiodarone has numerous side effects. Most individuals administered amiodarone on a chronic basis will cordarone at least one side effect, cordarone 400mg. Lung[ edit ] A chest X-ray demonstrating pulmonary fibrosis due to amiodarone, cordarone 400mg.
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Side effects of amiodarone include various pulmonary 400mg. Risk factors include high cumulative dose, more than milligrams per day, duration over two months, increased age, and preexisting pulmonary disease.
Some individuals were noted to develop pulmonary fibrosis after a week of treatment, while others cordarone not develop it after years of continuous use.
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Common practice is to avoid the agent if possible in individuals with decreased lung function. The most specific test of pulmonary toxicity due to amiodarone is a dramatically decreased DLCO noted on pulmonary function testing. Thyroid[ edit ] Induced abnormalities in thyroid function are common. Both under- and overactivity of the thyroid may occur. Amiodarone is structurally cordarone to thyroxine and also contains iodine.
Both of these contribute to the 400mg of amiodarone on thyroid function, cordarone 400mg. However, in the SAFE trial, the increased rate of hyperthyroidism 5.
Because of the high iodine content of amiodarone, the thyroid gland is effectively saturated, cordarone 400mg, thus preventing further uptake of isotopes of iodine. However, cordarone 400mg, the cordarone iodine uptake nuclear thyroid uptake test may still be helpful in the diagnosis and management of amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism.
400mg deposits typically do not cause any symptoms. About 1 in 10 individuals may complain of a bluish halo. Loss of eyelashes has been linked to amiodarone use. Much rarer are jaundicehepatomegaly liver enlargementand hepatitis inflammation of the liver. 400mg discoloration will slowly improve upon cessation of the drug, however, the skin color cordarone not return completely.