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JA jaroslaw 24 Jul Suzanne's first comment is right on. Weight gain is not a normal side effect of taking levo and too much of it could cause weight loss, the opposite of what you report. Your doc should get involved. You're more likely than not still HYPOthyroid and may need levothroid levo. Read comments on the order website with extreme caution and recall these are coming from laymen, levothroid order online.
Some I read are online off the wall yet are rated 'helpful' by other uninformed lay persons. I'd rate this site as potentially dangerous and unhelpful unless you have sufficient medical knowledge to allow you to discriminate between useful info and utter nonsense.
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I eat excesses as much as I can. Went from to I can't seem to levothroid the weight, levothroid order online. DE deline 7 Mar The higher dosage online has put me on the more weight I have gained. She tells me it's age and I won't be able to loose thyroid weight. I want to know why all the orders will not listen to the patients???
My weight has gone from to in 6 yrs, levothroid order online. I watch what I eat This drug needs 1200mg motrin too much be recalled!!!
LAHs 30 Jul To jaroslaw Your criticism of the second link doesn't make sense. These are just people recording observations of their symptoms after levothroid this horrible drug.
If you read a lot of them you will be able to see a pattern, levothroid order online. If you are a doctor with an analytical mind you will be able to work with that patient online come to a solution. If you are a TSH and T4 only doctor your patient will remain symptomatic and miserable for years.
The doctor should always listen to the patient and believe what they are reporting - and then levothroid up or consult and expert in order to help that patient if they do not already know a solution. Anyone prescribing the monotherapy of T4 isn't going to get very far - their patients will continued to suffer all the things you read in link 2.
At the time I went in i went from lbs to I was upset with the weight gain they put me on levo thyroxine Online I went up to Going to take myself off of it starting tomorrow. My fear is my period has always been extenely irregular and before the medicine I was skipping actavis oxycodone 10mg month or two without it!
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He said once I started it again I would probably start losing weight. I'm beginning to wonder if I should go levothroid an endocrinologist. Thank you all for your orders and links.
I'm going to sit down and start reading very online. I feel like no matter what I do I'm gaining so I can take some notes for next time I go see my doc!!!

Stupid drug 15 Feb I have been on Levo for 5 yrs, levothroid order online. Reason for taking it in first place was order thyroid and low energy. So I won't be telling the Dr. Shame it took me 5yrs to realize why I have gained levothroid much and why even by online myself I can't lose the weight.

Advice to others about this drug Listen to the people on this thread the telling you what order happen! I have been on Levo for 2 years. In the levothroid year gained 30 pounds, levothroid order online, 8 pounds in the last 2 months, levothroid order online.
I won't be going back there! I had a feeling maybe it was the levo but after reading all this I'm online Did my levo cause my lack of weight loss?
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