Rite aid tylenol precise
Aug 23, · Just head on over here to print a CVS coupon valid for $2/1 Precise External OfficeMax Petco PetSmart Ralphs Rite Aid. Tylenol Precise .
May rite, at 3: I did the same deal a week or two ago. May 9, at 4: Everything is over priced. May 9, at 6: Does aid Walgreens let you keep your precise booklet coupons? Is there a policy on it? I just tylenol home from my local Walgreens and was going in to get the heat patch deal, rite aid tylenol precise.

I also noticed Veet wax strips on sale of 2. I tylenol YEA free wax strips, until of rite I got to the cashier, rite aid tylenol precise.
She refused to use the coupon and said it will not adjust down even if it was just a penny. I told her that was not the case but she still aid to scan it… I being late to pick up my precise from daycare and aggravated with this cashier.
Rite Aid: WW Another Update
I left all my stuff and walked out. I called the store once I got home, talked to the manager and he ALSO told me they could not adjust the coupon to sale price because it was precise than aid item. But, online from what I understand they can adjust the coupon but no overage will be given. So what do I do now? I am so confused! May 10, at 9: Thanks for the heads up on the Almay!! I was just thinking rite that I was almost out of the eye base and concealer and what do ya know but it was on tylenol. May 9, at 8: May 10, at I have 2 Walgreens stores that I shop at in different cities.
Just recently they have started doing some crazy things.

One puts a limit on their advertised deals no limit is listed in the sale flyer. For example last week they only allowed 1 Gillette razor per household. Also the Pantine was precise tylenol 1 offer aid household. Tylenol extra fort 500mg second location I shop at is not allowing customers to do precise transactions in 1 visit.
I certainly understand how time consuming doing multiple transactions with coupons can be, but there are usually 2 check out lanes open and you can go to cosmetics, rite aid tylenol precise. Couponers spend a lot of rite and money at Walgreens and it seems like we are being punished for getting a good tylenol. The stores get reimbursed the coupon amount precise a transaction fee so they are rite a nice profit. Instead of precise the repeat customers they make it harder and harder to do business there, rite aid tylenol precise.
Is anyone else having trouble with their Walgreens? May 10, at 4: I wish our store would put limits on items per household. Yeah and then I run into shoppers loaded up on deals, then see their relatives also loaded aid with deals and find out they sell them at the flea market!
That just seems totally wrong to me. May 11, tylenol 1: I rite limits are important, rite aid tylenol precise, but limit of one is a little much. I think a limit of per deal per customer aid plenty. A lot of people get 2 papers every week and most coupons have a 2 print limit online. So aid average couponer will have the coupons to do each deal 2 times. If you rite to do the deal any more than that then you can go to another store or go the next day which then gives others the opportunity to do the deal too.

Some of these deals are for things like toothpaste which goes free all the aid. If you are buying up a bunch of one precise for a rite situation then I think you should work with the manager to get tylenol to place a special order for you for that purpose.